ENOUGH. We wrote this song over three years ago, and unfortunately it's more relevant than ever today.
If you’ve had enough and this resonates with you, please like/share/comment! Let’s continue this conversation, and make change happen! #enoughisenough
INSTAGRAM: @kazeeband
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kazeeband
TRIPLE J UNEARTHED: www.triplejunearthed.com/artist/kazee
ENOUGH. We wrote this song over three years ago, and unfortunately it's more relevant than ever today. If you’ve had enough and this resonates with you, please like/share/comment! Let’s continue this conversation, and make change happen! #enoughisenough INSTAGRAM: @kazeeband FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kazeeband TRIPLE J UNEARTHED: www.triplejunearthed.com/artist/kazee
Aftermovie by Purée Maison