Urbanbugs - A Street Art Documentary (Eng Subtitles)
Urbanbugs - A Street Art Documentary (Eng Subtitles)
Graffiti,Stencil,Wheatpasting,Sticker,Street Art,Canon,550D,Documentary,Rap,Soundtrack,Turkiye,?stanbul,Turkey,Rode,Microtrack II,Trailer,Urban,?zmir,Future,Belgesel

Awards, Selections and Screenings

* 11th Int. ?zmir Short Film Festival / Official Selection 2010
* 6th Int. Sinemardin Film Festival / Official Selection / 2011
* 22th Int.Ankara Film Festival / Doc. Category - Finalist 2011
* Sabanc? University / Freedom of Expression Conference 2011
* 5. ?stanbul International Architecture & Urban Films Festival 2011
* Streetart ?stanbul 'Streetart Films' Festival / Official Selection 2011
* Humboldt University / Institute for European Ethnology / Berlin 2011
* 1st Manisa Alt?n Üzüm Short Film Festival / Jury Special Award 2010
* 18th Int Adana Alt?n Koza Film Festival / Doc. Category / Finalist 2011
* Turkish Radio and Television Corporation Doc. Awards / Jury Special Award 2011
* 7th Akbank Short Film Festival / Best Documentary Film and Audience Awards 2011


Urbanbugs, Dünya'n?n bir çok ülkesinde ciddi bir ?ekilde popülarite kazanan, renkli yap?s? ile ?ehirlere görsel zenginlik katmas?yla beraber içerdi?i mesajlarla da sosyolojik bir konu haline gelen sokak sanatlar? kavram?n? inceleyen ve bu kavram?n Türkiye'deki sosyokültürel yans?malar?n? ara?t?ran bir belgeseldir.


Urbanbugs is a documentary from Turkey focuses on street art concepts such as Graffiti, Stencil, Wheatpasting. Besides it's visual contribution to the urban life, street art concepts became a sociological matter due to the their political messages. In this context, this documentary is trying to analyse the sociocultural reflections of street art concept in Turkey.

VFX: Levent Haseki
Camera: AAE & Sevinç Baltal?
Sound: Sevinç Baltal?
Produced, Edited and Directed by Aykut Alp Ersoy (http://aykutalpersoy.com)
Music: Algiers from http://www.thebluemask.com

Also watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L654W57lC5E
Please stay tuned with http://www.facebook.com/urbanbugs and http://www.facebook.com/hellocolorizmir for the news and details of film.

Best! :)

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