About Dolk
About Dolk
dolk,galleri s.e,urban art,contemporary art,art stage singapore,singap

Kenneth from galleri s.e tells Look Lateral about artist Dolk.

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About Dolk

Kenneth from galleri s.e tells Look Lateral about artist Dolk.

Pà¸bel & Dolk - Stencilart Vestvà¥gà¸y Norway

''Streetart'' on the Lofoten Nord-Norway http://norgenl.blogspot.com http://hulsker.blogspot.com.

Living Decay (fairy tales in the middle of nowhere)

“Living Decay ” project 2008 \ 2012 In the amazing set of the Lofoten Islands in the North of Norway, two Norwegian artists, Dolk e Pøbel, make huge paintings on the walls of abandoned houses bringing them back to life. “Living Decay”: a documentary about painting and seagulls, spray and clouds, landscape and empty houses in the middle of nowhere. In the summer of 2008 the two talented Norwegian street artists took on the challenge of Lofoten Islands countryside in Norway to create large-scale murales on the faces of abandoned houses which are about to be demolished. “Living Decay” is suggestive daily log that narrates through seven chapters, the making of these huge paintings inside the unique northern landscape. The documentary opens and closes with the narration by the American artist John Fekner, pioneer of ’70 street art. The soundtrack alternates between original tracks by “Starving pets” and tracks by “Perturbazione”, “Armstrong?” & “Farmer Sea”. amazing paintings by DOLK, PØBEL, LOFOTEN LANDSCAPE, voice over by JOHN FEKNER , edited by LUCA VIGLIANI, DAVIDE FASOLO music by FARMER SEA, STARVING PETS, ARMSTRONG ?, PERTURBAZIONE, shot, written & lived by DAVIDE FASOLO a Nulliversi prod 2008-2012 there are some different versions. 1 – “Living Decay – a portrait of a changing landscape” 24? – 2009 - rough version @ Pueblo, Circolo dei Lettori (Torino), VAM festival (Vercelli) Published @ “Untitled II – the beautiful renaissance” – Ed. Pro-Actif – UK, 2009 (DVD) 2- “Living Decay – fairy tales in the middle of nowhere” 12? – 2009 – short version (here!!!!) @ Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger (Norway), 02-2010 @Piemonte Movie 2010 (premio “Giuria Giovane”), 03/2010 @Central station in Oslo e Trondheim (Norway), from 05/2010 to 09/2010 @Poriart Museum -STREET ART – THE NEW GENERATION- in Pori (Finland), 02/2012 3 - “Living Decay – a portrait of a changing landscape” 24? – 2012 ( final version) unpublished (only on dvd – Nulliversi 2012) some photos here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/nulliversi/collections/72157607721822094/ all rights reserved – NULLIVERSI related links: http://www.handmadeposters.com/ http://www.johnfekner.com/ http://www.perturbazione.com/ http://www.farmersea.it/ http://www.myspace.com/starvingpets http://www.myspace.com/armstrongorwhat http://www.nulliversi.com/

A tribute to Dolk and Pà¸bel

This video is a fan made tribute to the Norwegian street artists Dolk and Pøbel. Their works can be seen at walls in cities like Bergen, Berlin, København, ...

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