Mural art on floor 2
Mural art on floor 2

Vasakronan, Sweden's largest property company, thought the stairwell in its headquarters in Stockholm was gray and boring. Or as they themselves put it; "We would turn our stairwell from an irrelevant passage into an urban art exhibition". To their help, they had Sweden's best street art artists.
Kozica & Daniel got the pleasure to take care of floor 2.
As usual, Henrietta took care of the color cans while Daniel was taking care of the camera. The specially written music for the film was produced a few days before the job. In that way, Daniel could shoot so the pictures fit perfectly with the music. With this mural painting Henrietta took a new step in her art. She painted industrial elements such as pipes, clutches and various gauges among her flowers, trees and plant elements. The reflective beautiful copper color fits perfectly into her green world. And she gave confidence to Daniel to paint the basics of copper pipes. It was his premiere with the spray can.

If you, like Vasakronan, want to turn your workplace into a unique artwork, do not hesitate to contact Kozica & Daniel.

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Artist: Henrietta Kozica (Kozica & Daniel)
Director: Daniel Hjalmarsson (Kozica & Daniel)
Composer: Daniel Hjalmarsson (Kozica & Daniel)
Track: HPKmx18 (copyright Kozica & Daniel 2018, all rights reserved)

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